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General Copyright Information

The cartoonist (John Ditchburn) always retains copyright of INKCINCT cartoons. Publishing rights issued to an individual or organisation are nonexclusive. INKCINCT cartoons cannot be resold in any form and must comply with all other copyright requirements in this COPYRIGHT AND USE SECTION.

These copyright requirements were last modified on the 16th of June 2021 and supersede any earlier copyright requirements. 

Appropriate Use Of INKCINCT Cartoons

While the cartoonist recognises that he is a terminal cynical bastard who often has a go at a variety of organisations, causes and views these cartoons are not intended for use in any publication that promotes racism, social division, or violence. To do so is a breach of INKCINCT Copyright. It is also a violation of the spirit of these drawings.

INKCINCT cartoons are not to be used in any way that might imply that the cartoonist endorses a specific view or organisation. The cartoons are meant as conduits for open discussion, not as tools for propaganda.

Use Of Cartoons By Political Party organisations

INKCINCT cartoons can be used free of charge in newsletters and online websites and chatrooms at the local political party branch level.  However, in the interest of impartiality, there is a blanket ban on the use of these cartoons in party political advertising, pamphlets, or newsletters of a campaigning nature.  This ban applies to all political parties.
Though some exemptions do apply for use of cartoons at the local branch level.  For more information see Free Use Of Cartoons

Altering INKCINCT Cartoons

Cartoons can be cropped for space purposes, but it is a breach of copyright to alter an INKCINCT cartoon in any way if it changes the cartoon’s original meaning without written permission from the cartoonist.